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                Legend                                                                  FAA-CT-8080-2E  for 2005-2006 
After Selecting a numbered link below, RIGHT CLICK anywhere on Graphic
                                        and Select OPEN Link Inn New Tab (or New Window) to Listen.
 3 Hrs 55 Min Total

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MP3 Figs 1-15 (26 Min) MP3 Figs 16-23 (59 Min) MP3 Figs 24-27 (42 Min) MP3 Figs 28-39 (42 Min) MP3 Figs 41-67 (31 Min)
1-  Lift Vector 16-  Area Forecast 24-  Savannah Sectional 28-  Time Conversion - Magnetic Variation Chart 41-  Airplane Takeoff Distance Graph
2-  Load Factor Chart 17-  Winds & Temperatures Aloft 25-  Texas Sectional 29-  VOR Indicators 48-  VASI Illustrations
3-  Altimeter 18-  Weather Depiction Chart 26-  Dallas Ft. Worth Sectional 30-  ADF Indicators Movable Card 49-  Airport Diagram
4-  Airspeed Indicator

19-  Radar Summary Chart

27-  North Dakota Sectional 31-  ADF Indicators Fixed Card 50-  Airport Diagram Closed Runways
5-  Turn Coordinator 20-  Significant Weather Prognostic Chart 32-  Airport Facility Directory Excerpt 51-  Airport Landing indicator

6-  Heading Indicator

21-  Norfolk Sectional 33-  Airplane Weight and Balance Table 52-  Flight Plan Form
7-  Attitude Indicator

22-  Minot Sectional

34-  Moment Limits vs Weight Table

53-  Nebraska A/FD Excerpt

8-  Density Altitude Chart 23-  Coeur D'Alene Sectional 35-  Airplane Wt. and Balance Graphs 59-  Compass Card

9-  Control Position for Taxi

36-  Airplane Power Setting Table 61- Weight and Balance Plank 1
12-  METAR 38-  Airplane Landing Distance Graph 62- Weight and Balance Plank 2
14-  PIREP 39-  Airplane Landing Distance Table 63- Rectangular Course
15- TAF 65-  Airport Markings
66-  Airport Signs
67-  S-Turn Diagram

Copyright 2005
Tom Gorski