Here are the changes to FAA-8080-2H (2018). These are the changes from the 2016 version: No Significant changes! A couple figures have been deleted, (Area Forecast, ADF) and Domestic Flight Plan form REMOVED, now using the International Flight Plan Form. Figure 7 Attitude Indicator "A" Points to 20 Degree Indicator during a right turn Figure 16 Area Forecast DELETED Figure 19 Low-Level Significant Weather (SIGWX) Prognostic Charts: Low-Level SFC-400MB chart only appears The 12 & 24 HR SIG WX PROG (Lower Panel) was DELETED Figure 29 DELETED ADF (Movable Card) Figure 30 DELETED ADF (Fixed Card) Figure 47 VASI Illustrations Words "RED" and "WHITE" DELETED Figure 50 "Wind Cone to Wind Sock" no change except verbiage "Wind Sock Airport Landing Indicator" Figure 51 Flight Plan Form 1982 version updated to 2015 version International Flight Plan