Actual Clearances and Readbacks
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MP3 8 Mb 13:43

Recorded 08-25-1985 Olympia, WA
- Pilot: "Seattle Clearance Air Cal
Seven One Eight with Bravo, Clearance to San Francisco, please."
- ATC: "Air Cal Seven One Eight Clearance
On Request Stand By."
- ATC: "Seven Two One Papa Charlie how long
ago did you file your flight plan, sir?"
- Pilot: "Oh about an hour, and uh we filed for Twenty Two Fifty."
- ATC: "Ah roger you're about five minutes
too early give me a call in about five or six minutes, or standby, when I get the
clearance I will give you a call."
- Pilot: "OK, thanks."
- ATC: "Air Cal Seven Eighteen is cleared
to the San Francisco Airport, via the Seattle One Departure, Radar Vectors Olympia, Direct
Newberg, Direct Medford then as filed maintain One Three Thousand expect Flight Level
Three Three Zero, Two Zero miles South of Seattle, Departure Frequency will be One Two
Zero point Four, Squawk Three Five Five Four."
- Pilot: "To San Francisco, Seattle One Departure, Radar Vectors Olympia, Direct Newberg
Direct Medford as filed, Thirteen Thousand, Three Three Zero Twenty South of Seattle, One
Twenty point Four, Thirty Five Fifty Four."
- ATC: "Readback Correct Have a Nice
- ATC: "Northwest One Nine Heavy,
- Pilot: "Northwest One Nine Heavy."
- ATC: "Sir there will be no delay on your
departure, contact ground when ready have a nice flight."
- Pilot: "Roger."
- ATC: "Seven Two One Papa Charlie
- Pilot: "Go Ahead."
- ATC: "Roger Sir, Seven Two One Papa
Charlie is Cleared to the Denver Airport via the Summa Two Departure, Pendleton
Transition, then as filed Maintain One Three Thousand, expect flight level Three Three
Zero Two Zero Miles East of Seattle, Departure Frequency Will Be One One Niner Point Two
Squawk Three Five Six Six."
- Pilot: "OK Cleared to Denver, Summa Two Departure Pendleton Transition, as Filed Maintain
Thirteen, expect Three Three Oh Twenty East, One Nineteen Two and Squawk Three Five Six
- ATC: "Readback Correct Sir, Have a nice
- Pilot: "Alright."
- Pilot: "Clearance Seven Eight Thirty One Heavy with you, we're going to ah Portland with
the info."
- ATC: "Seven Eight Thirty One Heavy is
cleared to the Portland Airport via the Seattle One Departure, then as filed, maintain One
Three Thousand, expect Flight level One Niner Zero, Two Zero Miles South of Seattle,
Departure Frequency will be One Two Zero Point Four, Squawk Four Six Zero Three."
- Pilot: "Seattle One as Filed Thirteen and that's ah Nineteen in Twenty, ah One Twenty
Four Four, Forty Six Oh Three bye bye."
- ATC: "Readback Correct."
- ATC: "Mark Air Two Eighty Six Cleared to
Denver Airport via the Summa Two Departure, Pendleton Transition, then as filed Maintain
One Three Thousand, expect flight level Three Three Zero Two Zero Miles East of Seattle,
Departure Frequency Will Be One One Niner Point Two, Squawk Three Five Four Two."
- Pilot: "Summa Two Pendleton as Filed Thirteen Thousand, Thirty Three in Twenty, Nineteen
Two, Thirty Five Forty Two."
- ATC: "Readback Correct, Have a nice
- ATC: "Four Seven Seven Thirty Six Cleared
to Denver Airport via the Summa Two Departure, Pendleton Transition, then as filed,
Maintain One Three Thousand, expect flight level Three Three Zero Two Zero Miles East of
Seattle, Departure Frequency Will Be One One Niner Point Two, Squawk Three Five Seven One."
- Pilot: "OK Thirty Five Seventy One, we have the rest thank you sir."
- ATC: "Squawk is Correct."
- Pilot: "Seattle Clearance Alaska One Thirty Four with Bravo, Spokane please."
- ATC: "Verify Alaska One Thirty Four
- Pilot: "Ah that's affirmative, one thirty four."
- ATC: "Say Destination."
- ATC: "Alaska One Three Four say your
- Pilot: "Yeah One Thirty Four with Bravo to Spokane please."
- ATC: "Roger thank you."
- ATC: "Alaska One Thirty Four Seattle
Clearance read me your routing by three letter identifiers, I'll get it in for you."
- Pilot: "Clearance Alaska One Eighteen to Portland, with Bravo."
- ATC: "One Eighteen Standby, Alaska One
Thirty Four Seattle Clearance."
- Pilot: "Yeah our normal routing is, ah Mountain One Departure, and ah direct Spokane."
- ATC: "Ah via direct then today at what
flight level?"
- Pilot: "Two Nine Zero."
- ATC: "Boeing Seven Twenty Seven?"
- ATC: "Alaska One Thirty Four you a 727?"
- Pilot: "Ah that's affirmative."
- Pilot: "Clearance Delivery Aircoach Eight Oh Eight, Eight Thousand Victoria."
- ATC: "Aircoach Eight Oh Eight Standby."
- Pilot: "Ya."
- ATC: "Alaska One Eighteen Seattle
- Pilot: "Go ahead."
- ATC: "Cleared to the Portland Airport
Seattle One Departure, then as filed maintain One Three Thousand, expect Flight Level One
Niner Zero, Two Zero Miles South of Seattle, Departure Frequency One Two Zero Point Four
Squawk Four Six Four Six."
- Pilot: "One Eighteen Portland, Seattle One as Filed, Thirteen, One Nine Zero Twenty
South, Twenty Decimal Four, Forty Six Forty Six."
- ATC: "Readback is correct for Alaska One
- Pilot: "So Long."
- Pilot: "Clearance Horizon Air Five Forty One."
- ATC: "Horizon Air Five Forty One
Clearance On Request, Standby."
- ATC: "Air Coach Eight Oh Eight Verify you
wanted On-Top?"
- Pilot: "Ah Eight Thousand Fine On Top, if that's better."
- Pilot: "For You."
- ATC: "Aircraft 2H Eight Oh Eight I have
it Eight Thousand now ah do you ah request a change of that?"
- Pilot: "Negative That's OK."
- ATC: "Ah Aircoach Eight Oh Eight Cleared
to Victoria Airport, Seattle One Departure, then as filed, maintain Eight Thousand,
Departure Frequency One Two Zero Point Four, Squawk Three Five Seven Five."
- Pilot: "Clears Aircoach Eight Oh Eight to Victoria Airport, Seattle One Departure as
filed Maintain Eight Thousand, One Twenty point Four for the departure Frequency when
released and Squawk Three Five Seven Five."
- ATC: "Aircoach Eight Oh Eight readback is
correct have a good day."
- Pilot: "Thank you sir."
- Pilot: "Sea-Tac Clearance Cessna Seven Four Seven Sierra Victor."
- ATC: "Seven Four Seven Sierra Victor
Standby, Alaska One Forty Three Seattle Clearance."
- ATC: "Alaska One Thirty Four Seattle
- Pilot: "Yeah One Thirty Four Go Ahead."
- ATC: "Cleared to the Spokane Airport via
the Mountain One Departure then as filed, Maintain One Three Thousand, expect flight level
Two Niner Zero Two Zero miles East of Seattle, departure frequency One One Niner point
Two, squawk Four Six Seven Four."
- Pilot: "OK Alaska One Thirty Four Cleared to the Spokane Airport, Mountain One Departure
then as filed, climb and Maintain One Three Thousand, expect Two Niner Zero Two Zero miles
East, One One Niner decimal Two, and Four Six Seven Four on the squawk."
- ATC: "Readback is correct for Alaska One
Thirty Four, have a good day."
- Pilot: "Thanks."
- Pilot: "Clearance Five Forty One."
- ATC: "Horizon Five Forty One, Seattle
- Pilot: "Yeah we're ah inbound here ah using this frequency so you won't mess up other
people's ground control, ah your bravo shows a ah observation of a zero two four seven,
can you give us an ah accurate observation time?"
- ATC: "Observation is at Two One Four Six.
Clear visibility Two Zero, temperature Seven Seven, Dewpoint Four Eight, wind Three One
Zero at Eight, Altimeter Three Zero Zero Two."
- Pilot: "Thank you very much."
- Pilot: "Alaska Seventy One to Juneau."
- ATC: "Alaska Seventy One roger, stand by
one, Seven Four Seven Sierra Victor Seattle Clearance."
- Pilot: "Ah Seven Sierra Victor desires clearance out of the TCA Northwest ah VFR no
- ATC: "Say type aircraft."
- ATC: "Seven Sierra Victor Say type
- Pilot: "I'm sorry, sir, Seven Sierra Victor is One Seven Two."
- ATC: "Cessna Seven Four Seven Sierra
Victor is cleared out of the Seattle TCA to the Northwest at or below Two Thousand Five
Hundred, maintain VFR conditions while in the Seattle TCA, Squawk One Two Zero Zero."
- Pilot: "Seven Four Seven Sierra Victor thank you."
- ATC: "Alaska Seventy One, Seattle
- Pilot: "Go ahead."
- ATC: "Cleared to the Juneau Airport,
Seattle One Departure, then as filed maintain One Three Thousand, expect flight level
Three One Zero Two Zero Miles Northwest of Seattle, departure frequency One Two Zero point
Four, Squawk Three Five Seven Three."
- Pilot: "Alaska Seventy One cleared to Juneau, Seattle One, then as filed, Thirteen
Thousand, Three One Oh Twenty Northwest, Twenty Point Four, Three Five Seven Three."
- ATC: "Readback is correct for Alaska
Seventy One, have a good day."
- Pilot: "Thanks a lot, you too."
- Pilot: " Two Seventy a Cessna One
Seventy Two, I'd like a VFR clearance to the Northwest, destination Port Townsend, Two
Thousand Five Hundred, request following."
- Pilot: "Clearance Two Six Seven Five Eight Reno."
- ATC: "Two Six Seven Fifty Eight Cleared
to the Reno Airport, Summa Two departure Lakeview transition, then as filed to maintain
One Three Thousand, expect flight level Three Three Zero Two Zero Miles Southeast of
Seattle, departure frequency One One Niner Point Two, Squawk Six Six One One."
- Pilot: "Two Six Seven Fifty Eight to Reno, Summa Two, Lakeview transition, as filed to
maintain One Three Thousand, expect Three Three Zero Two Zero Southeast of Seattle, One
One Nine Two, and Six Six One One."
- ATC: "Readback correct USA Seven Fifty
- Pilot: "Seattle Clearance, Horizon Three Eighty Four to Lewiston, with Charlie."
- ATC: "Three Eighty Four standby one."
- Pilot: "Clearance Delivery Western Seven Oh Two to Los Angeles."
- ATC: "Western Seven Oh Two Roger standby
- ATC: "Western Seven Oh Two is cleared to
Los Angeles Airport via the Seattle One Departure, radar vectors Olympia, direct Newberg
direct Klamath then as filed, maintain One Three Thousand, expect flight level Three
Three Zero Two Zero miles South of Seattle, departure frequency will be One Two Zero Point
Four, Squawk Six Six Two One."
- Pilot: "Seattle One radar vectors Olympia radar vector ah direct Newberg, direct ah
Klamath, then as filed Thirteen Thousand, Thirty Three in Twenty miles, One Two Zero
Point Four and Six Six Two One."
- ATC: "Readback correct have a nice
- Pilot: "So long."
- ATC: "All Star Six Oh Six Seattle
Clearance cleared to the Reno Airport via the Summa Two departure Lakeview transition,
then as filed, maintain One Three Thousand, expect flight level Three Three Zero, Two Zero
Miles Southeast of Seattle, departure frequency will be One One Niner Point Two, Squawk
Three Five Zero Seven."
- Pilot: "Seattle cleared to Reno via the Summa Two departure, Lakeville transition, as
filed climb to One Three Thousand, expect Three Three Zero Twenty Miles South, frequency
One Nineteen Two, Squawk Three Five Zero Seven."
- ATC: "Allstar Six Oh Six that's the
- Transition. Readback is correct have a good
- Pilot: "Thank you very much."
Instrument Rating