Preparation For Cross-Country Flight
Instructor's Name
Student's Name
Instructions: Write the answer to the question in the space provided. If more space is needed, use the reverse side.
1. What additional preflight action is required for cross-country flights which is not required for local flights?
2. Based on the assigned departure point, how can weather information be obtained?
3. What weather information is most accurate and reliable?
4. Obtain a weather briefing and complete the weather portion of the navigation log.
5. Based on local terrain, cloud conditions and winds aloft forecast, what is the most favorable cruising altitude?
6. Plot the route of flight on the current sectional chart and select appropriate checkpoints and radio navigation aids.
7. Describe the east-west cruising altitude rule as it applies to the legs of the flight assigned.
8. Under forecast conditions, what true airspeed is appropriate for the airplane you will be using? Describe how the speed was derived.
9. Complete the navigation log and determine the time to climb to cruising altitude, the time enroute, fuel requirements with a 30 minute fuel reserve for day VFR, and the estimated time of arrival.
10. Complete the flight plan.
11. Determine the takeoff weight and center of gravity for the flight and verify that they are within limits.
12. Based on existing conditions, what is the takeoff distance required to clear a 50-foot obstacle on takeoff from the departure airport?
13. Using the sectional charts and the Airport/Facility Directory, find the facilities available at the airport of intended use.
14. List in order the radio frequencies which are likely to be used for the flight.
15. What is the appropriate transponder code for the flight and when should the transponder be operated?
16. Describe the procedures for operating in any class "D" airspace associated with the flight.
17. Describe the procedures for operating in any airport advisory areas appropriate to the flight.
18. Describe the procedures for operating at all airports appropriate to the flight which are not equipped with a tower or a flight service station.
19. What is the highest obstruction within five statute miles of the flight?
20. At what points should VFR position reports be made?
21. What areas should be avoided because of possible heavy concentration of air traffic?
22. How often should the heading indicator be checked against the magnetic compass?
23. What alternate plan of action is available if unexpected high surface winds do not permit a landing at any one of the destination airports?
24. If you become lost or disoriented during the flight, what is the best course of action available?
25. Verify that the route does not cross a prohibited, restricted or a parachute jumping area.
26. Are there any restrictions to the enroute navigation aids which may effect the flight?
27. List any notices to airmen which might affect the flight.
28. What are all the required documents on board the aircraft?
29. What specific endorsements are required from the instructor prior to departure?
30. What VHF frequencies are normally are available at all flight service stations?
31. Over which navigational aids are transcribed weather broadcasts (TWEBs) issued?
32. What action should be taken if a VOR can be identified but the TO/FROM indicator does not function? How can a pilot determine that a VOR has been shut down for maintenance?
33. How can the wind direction and active runway be determined at uncontrolled airports without flight service stations?
34. What are the cloud clearance and visibility requirements for VFR flight at 10,000 feet MSL when more than 1,200 AGL?
35. What does a control zone indicate when the T-bar symbol is used rather than the dashed line?
36. What is the difference between an airport symbol shown in blue and one shown in magenta?
37. What is the maximum speed for your aircraft in turbulent air?
38. What procedure should be used if the engine fails at cruising altitude?
39. What is the best type of field for an emergency landing?
40. How can the ELT be checked for inadvertent activation prior to departure?
41. According to regulations, how long can a pilot fly at cabin pressure altitudes between 12,500 and 14,000 feet without using supplemental oxygen?
42. What FSS frequency can be used to extend the time enroute as filed on the flight plan?
43. During the summer months, the best flying conditions normally are encountered during what period of the day?
44. What actions should be taken if the magneto drop is found to be excessive prior to departure from the first destination airport?
45. Unless required by weight and balance or performance considerations, is there a valid reason for a student to depart on a solo cross-country flight with less than full fuel tanks?
46. According to the Pilot's Operating Handbook for your airplane, what is the minimum oil level for departure on a three-hour cross-country flight? Is it necessary to add fuel during the flight, what color should it be?
47. Assume a strong crosswind results in the aircraft being positioned abnormally low and far to the right of the extended runway centerline after roll-out on final approach. What is the appropriate action in this situation?
48. What are MSL altitudes of the traffic patterns at the airports of intended landing? Are the runways long enough for normal takeoffs and landings in your airplane under existing or forecast conditions?
49. If the flight is discontinued at an enroute airport for any reason, what initial steps should be taken?
50. How will the flight plan be closed following completion of the flight?

Misc PVT Flight Training References