Private Pilot Endorsement Labels Revised 04-06-98

Presolo Aeronautical Knowledge 14CFR 61.87(b) 
Mr. ____________________has satisfactorily completed a
presolo written examination demonstrating knowledge of the
portions of 14CFR Parts 61 and 91 applicable to student pilots,
and the flight characteristics and operational limitations
for ____________ aircraft.
CFI Name Here 0000001CFI Exp. 5/31/00
Single-Engine Presolo Flight Training 14CFR 61.87(c)
I have given Mr. ____________________the flight instruction
required by 14CFR 61.87(c) in a __________Aircraft. He has
demonstrated proficiency in the applicable maneuvers and
procedures listed in 14CFR 61.87(d) and is competent
to make safe solo flights in __________aircraft.
CFI Name Here 0000001CFI Exp. 5/31/00
90 Day Solo Endorsement 14CFR 61.87(l)
I have given Mr. ____________________the instruction
required by 14CFR 61.87(c) through (d). He has met the requirements
of 14CFR 61.87(c)(1) through (2) and is competent to make safe solo
flights in __________aircraft.
CFI Name Here 0000001CFI Exp. 5/31/00
14CFR 61.93(a) Endorsement
I have flown with Mr. ____________________and find him
competent and proficient to practice landings and takeoffs
at ______________________airport. Landings and takeoffs
at_______________________airport are authorized subject
to the following conditions:
CFI Name Here 0000001CFI Exp. 5/31/00
Solo X-C Endorsement 14CFR 61.93
I have reviewed the preflight planning and preparations
of Mr. ____________________and attest that he is
prepared to make solo flight safely under the known
circumstances from ________to ________via _________with
landings at ________ in a __________aircraft on this date.
CFI Name Here 0000001CFI Exp. 5/31/00
14CFR 61.93 X-C not more than 50 NM
I have given Mr. ____________________flight instruction
in both directions over the route between __________and
__________, including takeoffs and landings at airports
to be used, and find him competent to conduct repeated
solo X-C flights over that route, subject to the following conditions:
CFI Name Here 0000001CFI Exp. 5/31/00
Aeronautical Knowledge 14CFR 61.105(b)(1) through (13)
I certify that I have given Mr. ____________________the ground instruction
required by 14CFR 61.105(a)(1) through (6)
CFI Name Here 0000001CFI Exp. 5/31/00
ASEL Flight Proficiency 14CFR 61.107(b)
I certify that I have given Mr. ____________________the flight instruction
required by 14CFR 61.107(b)(1) (i) through (xii) and find him competent
to perform each pilot operation safely as a private pilot.
CFI Name Here 0000001CFI Exp. 5/31/00

Private Pilot - Airplane | Misc. Private References