Instrument Endorsement Labels Revised 04-06-98

INSTRUMENT PILOTS - Aeronautical Knowledge
14 CFR 61.65(b) - Instrument Pilot aeronautical knowledge (Airplanes & Helicopters only)
I certify that I have given Mr./Ms. __________ the ground instruction required for the instrument airplane rating
by 14 CFR 61.65(b)(1) through (10).
Your Name Here CFI# Exp. Date
INSTRUMENT PILOTS - Flight proficiency
14 CFR 61.65(c) - Instrument Pilot flight proficiency (Airplanes only)
I certify that I have given Mr./Ms. __________ the flight instruction in an airplane required by 14 CFR 61.65(c)(1) through (8) and find him/her competent to perform each pilot operation as an instrument pilot.
Your Name Here CFI# Exp. Date
FLIGHT REVIEW - All Aircraft
14 CFR 61.56 - Flight review (all aircraft categories)
Mr./Ms. __________, holder of pilot certificate no. (number), has satisfactorily accomplished the flight review required by 14 CFR 61.56 on (date).
Your Name Here CFI# Exp. Date
14 CFR 61.57(d) - Instrument proficiency check
Mr./Ms. __________, holder of pilot certificate (number), has
satisfactorily completed an instrument proficiency check in a (category) aircraft on (date).
Your Name Here CFI# Exp. Date
Note: No logbook entry reflecting unsatisfactory performance on an instrument proficiency check is required.
At the discretion of the CFI, an instrument proficiency check and a flight review may be combined.

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