- REFERENCES: AC 61-21; Pilots Operating Handbook, FAA-Approved Airplane Flight Manual.
- Objective. To determine that the applicant:
- 1. Exhibits knowledge of the elements related to an emergency descent.
- 2. Recognizes the urgency of an emergency descent.
- 3. Establishes the recommended emergency descent configuration and airspeed, and maintains that airspeed, ±5 knots.
- 4. Demonstrates orientation, division of attention, and proper planning.
- 5. Follows the appropriate emergency checklist.
- REFERENCES: AC 61-21; Pilots Operating Handbook, FAA-Approved Airplane Flight Manual.
- Objective. To determine that the applicant:
- 1. Exhibits knowledge of the elements related to emergency approach and landing procedures.
- 2. Establishes and maintains the recommended best-glide attitude, configuration, and airspeed, ±10 knots.
- 3. Selects a suitable emergency landing area within gliding distance.
- 4. Plans and follows a flight pattern to the selected landing area considering altitude, wind, terrain, and obstructions.
- 5. Attempts to determine the reason for the malfunction and makes the correction, if possible.
- 6. Maintains positive control of the airplane at all times.
- 7. Follows the appropriate emergency checklist.
- REFERENCES: AC 61-21; Pilots Operating Handbook, FAA-Approved Airplane Flight Manual.
- Objective. To determine that the applicant:
- 1. Exhibits knowledge of the elements related to system and equipment malfunctions appropriate to the airplane provided for the flight test.
- 2. Analyzes the situation and takes the appropriate action for simulated emergencies, such as
- a. partial or complete power loss.
- b. engine roughness or overheat.
- c. carburetor or induction icing.
- d. loss of oil pressure.
- e. fuel starvation.
- f. electrical system malfunction.
- g. flight instruments malfunction.
- h. landing gear or flap malfunction.
- i. inoperative trim.
- j. inadvertent door or window opening.
- k. structural icing.
- l. smoke/fire/engine compartment fire.
- m. any other emergency appropriate to the airplane provided for the flight test.
- 3. Follows the appropriate emergency checklist.
- REFERENCES: AC 61-21; Pilots Operating Handbook, FAA-Approved Airplane Flight Manual.
- Objective. To determine that the applicant:
- 1. Exhibits knowledge of the elements related to emergency equipment and survival gear appropriate to the airplane provided for the flight test, such as
- a. location in the airplane.
- b. method of operation or use.
- c. servicing requirements.
- d. method of safe storage.
- e. equipment and survival gear appropriate for operation in various climates and topographical environments.
- 2. Follows the appropriate emergency checklist.